Canada Asserts Open Immigration Policy Following Reinstatement of US Travel Ban

While the US closes its doors to immigrant populations with the reinstatement of a travel ban against six majority-Muslim countries, Canada continues to do what it does best: openly welcome immigrants from around the globe. Canada’s immigration system has been a success for years. It doesn’t discriminate against applicants based on their ethnicity, race, or religion. Instead, applicant selection is based on how well they will succeed in and contribute to Canadian society.

Canada’s immigration system is an example of how a country can benefit from welcoming many newcomers. When a country opens its doors to populations, it is supporting its ability to grow socially and economically. For more information on the immigration application process, contact a Canadian immigration law firm.

In response to the travel ban’s reinstatement, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promoted Canada’s open immigration policy. Trudeau promoted the system’s success and benefits, highlighting  that it didn’t compromise the security of Canadians. Trump’s travel ban focuses on security concerns, banning entire populations deemed a potential threat to the US. Trump wants immigration reform that mirrors Canada’s successful point-based system. But banning newcomers based on their home country will not improve the US economy or society.

A New York Times op-ed discussed the success of Canada’s immigration policy, and how it influences US President Donald Trump’s idea for immigration reform. Trump is pushing for a merit-based system that will bring in more skilled workers who will contribute to the economy. This stands in contrast to the current system that largely promotes family reunification.

Canada’s system promotes economic immigration—attracting skilled workers who can contribute to Canada’s economy. But Canada also acknowledges the importance of family reunification. Newcomers are more successful with resettlement when they have family nearby for social, emotional, and financial support.

Despite the growing fear of terrorist threats and the anti-immigration sentiments, boldly stated both in the US and Europe, Canadians, for the most part, support the open immigration system. Many acknowledge how beneficial immigration is to both Canadian society and the economy.

Many Canadians are proud of the multiculturalism that immigration brings to Canada, and the open-mindedness of these Canadians is necessary for the country to continue to grow and prosper. Open and welcome immigration sentiments combined with a rational immigration system have made Canada a leader and inspiration for immigration policy.