A Look at Canada’s Need To Continue Improving its Immigration System So it Can Keep Up With Immigration Demands

Canada has welcomed immigration throughout its history. Immigrants have encouraged population growth, fulfilled labour market demands, and improved both  the economy and society. As new immigration demands arise, the Canadian immigration system has evolved to welcome more immigrants while meeting Canada’s economic needs. However, Canada still has room for improvement in its immigration system… especially when it comes to helping new immigrants settle and integrate into Canadian society. For more information on the immigration process, a Canadian immigration lawyer can provide assistance to those who are planning to settle in Canada.

The Canadian Immigration Summit

This May, the Conference Board of Canada will be hosting the Canadian Immigration Summit in Ottawa. The purpose of this summit is to find innovative ways to strengthen the Canadian immigration system over the next 150 years. Canada has been an international leader in immigration throughout its 150-year history and can continue to make progress by addressing current and future issues for its immigration system.

Some Current Issues With the Canadian Immigration System

Canada still needs to improve its ability to settle newcomers, especially concerning the current settlement of Syrian refugees. Many Syrian refugees are having trouble integrating into Canadian society, learning the official languages, and finding employment and affordable housing. Those facing such barriers during settlement need more social supports and resources, particularly financial and language barriers.

There are also international students and temporary foreign workers struggling with integration into Canadian society. They often lack the social and economic support needed for a successful transition. This lack of integration can hinder their ability to qualify for permanent residence in Canada. Also, many skilled immigrants have trouble finding jobs related to their skills, education, and experience.

Immigration is also the main driving force for population growth in Canada. According to the Conference Board of Canada, more immigrants could be admitted annually. This would encourage economic growth and prosperity. In fact, the Board suggests that Canada could admit up to 1 per cent of its population in immigrants. This increase would warrant a new approach to resource allocation and distribution in plans and programs throughout the country, though. Another key challenge in this regard is encouraging and increasing immigration throughout the country, and not just major urban centres.

Canada’s aging population and low birth rate are making the government seek more skilled immigrants to keep Canada’s workforce, economy, and society strong. Addressing these current and future immigration concerns strengthens Canada’s immigration system. Canada, as a whole, benefits from this, and the transition to Canadian society can be improved for many.